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At Jumpstart Center, we provide a wide range of assessments designed to empower and support your child's development. We understand that every child is unique, and our assessments are tailored to provide a holistic understanding of your child's abilities and needs. Our assessment services encompass a variety of tools and approaches, all aimed at helping you gain valuable insights into your child's growth and development.

  • Milestones Assessment: Conducted with either the VB-MAPP or ABLLS-R, which are both criterion- referenced assessment tools rather than standardized tests. These assessments can be used to determine your child's current skill level and create instructional goals and objectives.
    Age: birth - 6 years of Age | Duration: 60-120 min
  • Standardized Developmental Test: The Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. The Bayley Scales is used to assess the cognitive, language, and motor, development of your child, while the Vineland is used to assess socialization and daily living skills.
    Age: birth - 42 months | Duration: 120 minutes
  • Standardized Developmental Test: DAYC (Developmental Assessment of Young Children). This test evaluates development in five different areas of development: Cognition, Communication, Social- Emotional, Physical, and Adaptive skills.
    Age: birth - 5 Years, 11 Months | Duration: 120 minutes
  • Literacy Assessment: The TILLS (Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills) helps identify language/literacy disorders. The results of this assessment can be used to create treatment plans that can improve weaknesses in literacy and/or language skills.
    Age: 6 - 18 Years | Duration: 120 minutes
  • IQ Test: An IQ test assesses a variety of cognitive abilities and provides a standard score.
    Age: 2 Years - Adult | Duration: 120 minutes
  • Ed-Psych Assessment: An educational psychology assessment involves a battery of standardized tests to help identify a person's specific learning style, strengths, and areas of need. This knowledge helps generate suitable recommendations for teachers, parents and other professionals that are used to meeting the learning needs of the child.
    Age: 6 Years - Adult | Duration: 5 Hours
  • PLS-5 Assessment: Is a standardized test that assesses attention, play, non-verbal language development, vocal development, social communication, semantics, language structure, integrative language skills, and emergent literacy skills.
    Age: 0- 7 Years old, 11 months | Duration: 90 minutes
  • The Beery VMI: BEERYâ„¢ VMI helps assess the extent to which individuals can integrate their visual and motor abilities.
    Age: 6 Years old- Adult | Duration: 60 minutes
  • The Sensory Profile: A sensory assessment can identify how a child's behavior is affected by their ability to process their senses. Exploring the sensory processing issues they face, an assessment will make recommendations for treatment, allowing the family and school to make adaptations to reduce sensory triggers for the child.
    Age: Children & Adults | Duration: 60 minutes