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Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied Behavior Analysis

What is ABA?

ABA is an approach that can help children improve their social interaction, self-care, communication, play skills, and ability to self-regulate. Positive reinforcement is one of the tools used in ABA to increase positive behaviors, promote learning, and encourage the child to engage in age-appropriate activities.

What does ABA for children involve?

  • Initial Appointment: A Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) assesses the child's current skills, behavior patterns, strengths, and areas of difficulty.
  • Setting Goals: Based on the initial appointment, clear and measurable goals and objectives are created for the child.
  • Intervention: ABA therapists implement interventions and strategies designed to teach and reinforce positive behaviors. These interventions are individualized to meet the specific needs of each child.
  • Data Collection: Data is collected on the target skills or behaviors to monitor whether the intervention is effective.
  • Supervision: At Jumpstart Center, we provide monthly BCBA supervision to oversee every child's ABA program.

BCBA Supervision

The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) is the regulatory authority that certifies behavior analysts and sets standards for applied behavior analysis (ABA) practice. It requires all ABA programs to be supervised by a BCBA to maintain ethical standards and best practices.

At Jumpstart Center, we are fortunate to have Dr. Adrienne Robek, our clinical director, who holds the highest BACB accreditation as a BCBA-D (doctoral level), making her the only person in Qatar with this qualification. This level of expertise in supervision ensures that we consistently meet the needs of every child by closely monitoring their programs and making necessary adjustments to maximize the benefits of each therapy session.